# Nito.cash — Hush Your Money™ ![Nito.cash Poster](https://nito.cash/poster.jpg?1586230039) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/modenero/nito-cash.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/modenero/nito-cash) [![Greenkeeper badge](https://badges.greenkeeper.io/modenero/nito-cash.svg)](https://greenkeeper.io/) ## Anatomy of Nito.cash wallet - [x] Maximum Convenience: 9.5 - [x] Excellent Privacy: 9.0 - [x] Pretty Good Security: 8.0 ## Improving the on-boarding experience for newcomers > There are a few (well-known) wallet providers that offer simplified on-boarding processes for newcomers; most commonly by using a traditional __username & password__ for account security. However, in the spirit of encouraging a __non-custodial, censorship-proof__ world; with a future, free from the tragedy of oppression that continues to plague our societies, they have not been considered in this brief analysis. __Today's newcomers will commonly experience the following:__ 1. Open their respective app store (Android or iOS). 2. Search & download the app recommended by their sponsor. 3. Install the app. 4. Create a new wallet. 5. Secure the 12 seed words protecting their new wallet. 6. Confirm (all or some of) the 12 words to complete the setup process. 7. Open the 'Receive' screen for a QR code. _(sponsor scans QR code for their address and sends)_ 8. Newcomer confirms receipt of "first crypto" from their sponsor. (average time to complete: __5 - 10 minutes__) __NOTE:__ Step \#5 has consistently proven to be highly problematic. --- __Nito.cash newcomers experience ONLY the following:__ 1. Open their camera phone. 2. Scan the QR code shown on their sponsors phone. 3. Newcomer confirms receipt of "first crypto" from their sponsor. (average time to complete: __25 - 30 seconds__) ## It's _really_ best to KISS when introducing crypto Do you know how many __first-time users__ actually care about __securing__ their seed phrase? __NONE__ ..and that's why Nito __Keeps It Super-Simple__ Sponsorships take __less than 30 seconds__ from the moment a newcomer opens their phone, until they receive their very first crypto. The experience is __fast and painless.__ Nito further provides __ALL the necessary education__ for the newcomer; but at a time that's convenient for __THEM.__ And that way, the two parties are free to immediately resume their previous activity. ## Nito sponsorships are effortless By offering __just $1.00 sponsorships,__ you can potentially introduce hundreds of first-time users to the wonderful world of crypto. Some of the __most welcoming__ newcomers for Nito sponsoring have included: 1. Friends & family 2. Classmates 3. Bartenders and waiters 4. Uber (ride-share) drivers 5. Party guests 6. Conference attendees _and the list goes on and on..._ ## Move your money with maximum discretion > Everyone should have a right to privacy when it comes to THEIR OWN MONEY. Nito.cash is currently in development for integrating two emerging technologies that will greatly improve the privacy long sought after by the crypto community. - [ ] [CashFusion]() - [ ] [zkSNARKS]() _Please visit __[r/NitoCash](https://reddit.com/r/NitoCash/)__ for the latest information regarding ongoing development._ ## Is it the end for "seed phrase" wallets? __Absolutely NOT!__ The purpose of Nito.cash is to be a super convenient, on-boarding wallet for newcomers. __It is NOT meant to serve as a "primary" daily driver for ANY user.__ Security compromises were made to ensure that newcomers are immediately introduced to an __enjoyable crypto experience.__ After which, they can choose to slowly build on their education, while exploring their specific interest(s). __Guides are available in-app, on topics including:__ - [ ] Which wallet(s) will eventually best serve their needs. - [ ] How to safely and securely protect their private keys. ## What's next? Check out our __[Roadmap](docs/ROADMAP.md)__ for what we have in store. As crypto fast approaches its teen years, Nito.cash aims to serve as the __optimal first impression__ necessary to drive tidal waves of fresh new crypto users, for years to come... __Cheers to that!__