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  63. <time class="dt-published" datetime="2023-01-30T00:15:00.000Z" itemprop="datePublished">2023-01-29</time>
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  69. <a class="p-name article-title" href="/2023/01/29/fearless/">Fearless</a>
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  73. <h1 id="Fearless"><a href="#Fearless" class="headerlink" title="Fearless"></a>Fearless</h1><p>To be without fear in life.</p>
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  83. <time class="dt-published" datetime="2022-12-09T06:21:00.000Z" itemprop="datePublished">2022-12-09</time>
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  89. <a class="p-name article-title" href="/2022/12/09/my-best-friend/">My Best Friend</a>
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  93. <p>On Saturday, November 22, 2022 I lost my best friend.</p>
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  103. <time class="dt-published" datetime="2022-08-13T00:44:00.000Z" itemprop="datePublished">2022-08-12</time>
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  109. <a class="p-name article-title" href="/2022/08/12/smoked-salmon-with-fried-green-tomatoes/">Smoked Salmon w/ Fried Green Tomatoes</a>
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  113. <p>Brought this dish to a summer pool party. Loved ALL the compliments!</p>
  114. <blockquote>
  115. <p>Time to belly is <strong>2 hours</strong></p>
  116. </blockquote>
  117. <p><img src="/2022/08/12/smoked-salmon-with-fried-green-tomatoes/plated.jpg" alt="Smoked Salmon w/ Fried Green Tomatoes"></p>
  118. <blockquote>
  119. <p>Savory &amp; Sweet w&#x2F; a Nice Kick</p>
  120. </blockquote>
  121. <h3 id="Master-Plan"><a href="#Master-Plan" class="headerlink" title="Master Plan"></a>Master Plan</h3><p>The idea was to create a dish that could be easily eaten in a party atmosphere where most guests are mingling and might prefer not to have to sit and eat.</p>
  122. <h3 id="Final-Result"><a href="#Final-Result" class="headerlink" title="Final Result"></a>Final Result</h3><p>Overall, I was completely satisfied with ALL the flavors, including the extra kick from the habaneros.</p>
  123. <ul>
  124. <li><p><strong>Best Positive:</strong> Tomatoes tasted sweet and savory.</p>
  125. </li>
  126. <li><p><strong>Worst Negative:</strong> Burnt a few edges when the smoker lost its mind.</p>
  127. </li>
  128. <li><p><strong>Next Time:</strong> A lil’ less <em>(habanero)</em> heat; and add fresh garlic.</p>
  129. </li>
  130. </ul>
  131. <hr>
  132. <p>LET’S GET STARTED!</p>
  133. <h3 id="What-do-you-need"><a href="#What-do-you-need" class="headerlink" title="What do you need?"></a>What do you need?</h3><ol>
  134. <li>2 lbs of fresh salmon</li>
  135. <li>3x green tomatoes</li>
  136. <li>1x onion</li>
  137. <li>1x habanero pepper</li>
  138. <li>1 tbsp pure honey</li>
  139. <li>Fresh herbs</li>
  140. <li>Dry rub</li>
  141. </ol>
  142. <h3 id="1-Preparation"><a href="#1-Preparation" class="headerlink" title="1. Preparation"></a>1. Preparation</h3><p>Season the salmon with a dry rub and the fresh herbs.</p>
  143. <h3 id="2-Seasoning"><a href="#2-Seasoning" class="headerlink" title="2. Seasoning"></a>2. Seasoning</h3><ol>
  144. <li>Thyme</li>
  145. <li>Cilantro</li>
  146. <li>Smoked paprika <em>(ground)</em></li>
  147. <li>Cayenne pepper <em>(ground)</em></li>
  148. <li>Food coloring</li>
  149. </ol>
  150. <h3 id="3-Smoker"><a href="#3-Smoker" class="headerlink" title="3. Smoker"></a>3. Smoker</h3><p>Place the seasoned salmon in the smoker for 2 hours.</p>
  151. <h3 id="4-Pan-fry"><a href="#4-Pan-fry" class="headerlink" title="4. Pan-fry"></a>4. Pan-fry</h3><p>Cut up the green tomatoes. Cut up a whole onion. Dice the habanero. Dice your herbs (as needed). Add everything <em>(except for the herbs)</em> to a hot-oiled pan on high heat. After about 5 minutes, add your herbs and the pure honey. Just before turning off the heat, add your food coloring.</p>
  152. <h3 id="5-Plating"><a href="#5-Plating" class="headerlink" title="5. Plating"></a>5. Plating</h3><p>You can decorate your final plate with any extra herbs that weren’t used during cooking.</p>
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  165. <time class="dt-published" datetime="2022-08-11T03:29:00.000Z" itemprop="datePublished">2022-08-10</time>
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  174. <a class="p-name article-title" href="/2022/08/10/nexa-is-bitcoin-v3/">Nexa Is Bitcoin 3.0</a>
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  178. <p>Introducing Bitcoin 3.0! On the dawn of June 21 2022 emerged the latest iteration of Satoshi’s dream.</p>
  179. <p><a href="/2022/08/10/nexa-is-bitcoin-v3/nexa-banner.mp4"><img src="/2022/08/10/nexa-is-bitcoin-v3/nexa-banner.png" alt="Nexa Banner"></a></p>
  180. <blockquote>
  181. <p>Nexa aims to offer a better payments solution than Bitcoin</p>
  182. </blockquote>
  183. <h3 id="Introduction"><a href="#Introduction" class="headerlink" title="Introduction"></a>Introduction</h3><p><strong>Nexa is a Peer-to-Peer Digital Value System</strong> built and deployed by an all-star team from <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""><strong>Bitcoin Unlimited</strong></a>.</p>
  184. <h3 id="History-of-Bitcoin"><a href="#History-of-Bitcoin" class="headerlink" title="History of Bitcoin"></a>History of Bitcoin</h3><p>Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane. The tale of Bitcoin is one of wonder and mystery. Those of us that were there during the early days had no idea how deep down the rabbit hole we would eventually find ourselves.</p>
  185. <h4 id="Bitcoin-1-0"><a href="#Bitcoin-1-0" class="headerlink" title="Bitcoin 1.0"></a>Bitcoin 1.0</h4><p>Bitcoin (BTC) was launched in January of 2009, by the pseudonomous Satoshi Nakamoto.</p>
  186. <h4 id="Bitcoin-2-0"><a href="#Bitcoin-2-0" class="headerlink" title="Bitcoin 2.0"></a>Bitcoin 2.0</h4><p>Bitcoin Cash (BCH) was created as a result of the split between Bitcoin’s maximalists and the “big blocker” community. The maximalists aimed to restrict the block size to 1 MB, while the big blockers aimed to increase it to at least 2 MB <em>(doubling each year as needed)</em>.</p>
  187. <h4 id="Bitcoin-3-0"><a href="#Bitcoin-3-0" class="headerlink" title="Bitcoin 3.0"></a>Bitcoin 3.0</h4><p>Introducing Nexa (NEX)!</p>
  188. <p>Nexa has extended Satoshi’s dream of <strong>“A Peer-to-peer Electronic Cash System”</strong> into <strong>“A Peer-to-peer Digital Value System”</strong>. The general distinction is that Nexa aims to grant Bitcoin additional super-powers in the form of “tokenization”.</p>
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  190. <h3 id="FAQ"><a href="#FAQ" class="headerlink" title="FAQ"></a>FAQ</h3><p>Below are just some of the most popular Q&amp;A that I’ve received from the people that I’ve talked to about the project. If you have a question, don’t hesitate to hit me up!</p>
  191. <h4 id="Where-can-I-buy-Nexa"><a href="#Where-can-I-buy-Nexa" class="headerlink" title="Where can I buy Nexa?"></a>Where can I buy Nexa?</h4><p>Nowhere yet.</p>
  192. <h4 id="How-is-Nexa-better-than-Bitcoin"><a href="#How-is-Nexa-better-than-Bitcoin" class="headerlink" title="How is Nexa better than Bitcoin?"></a>How is Nexa better than Bitcoin?</h4><p>I dunno.</p>
  193. <h3 id="Additional-resources"><a href="#Additional-resources" class="headerlink" title="Additional resources"></a>Additional resources</h3><ul>
  194. <li>Nexa homepage - <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""></a></li>
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  208. <time class="dt-published" datetime="2022-05-31T09:07:33.000Z" itemprop="datePublished">2022-05-31</time>
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  217. <a class="p-name article-title" href="/2022/05/31/memorial-day-brisket/">Memorial Day Brisket</a>
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  221. <p>Spent a beautiful 80° afternoon in New York for Memorial Day this year. Here’s a look at the holiday brisket I prepared on my portable smoker.</p>
  222. <blockquote>
  223. <p>Time to belly is <strong>6 - 7 hours</strong></p>
  224. </blockquote>
  225. <p><img src="/2022/05/31/memorial-day-brisket/brisket.jpg" alt="Memorial Day Brisket"></p>
  226. <blockquote>
  227. <p>Can you smell the Au Jus?</p>
  228. </blockquote>
  229. <h3 id="Master-Plan"><a href="#Master-Plan" class="headerlink" title="Master Plan"></a>Master Plan</h3><p>The idea here was to render down the fat in the oven before creating a dark-red, smoky bark around the entire brisket to hold-in the moisture produced from the oven.</p>
  230. <h3 id="Final-Result"><a href="#Final-Result" class="headerlink" title="Final Result"></a>Final Result</h3><p>Overall, I was very satisfied with the tenderness of the brisket. However, it did lose some of its moistness. I also wasn’t too pleased with the flavor before adding the BBQ dressing at the end.</p>
  231. <ul>
  232. <li><p><strong>Best Positive:</strong> There was a great bark evenly around the brisket.</p>
  233. </li>
  234. <li><p><strong>Worst Negative:</strong> The brisket dried out a bit while in the smoker.</p>
  235. </li>
  236. <li><p><strong>Next Time:</strong> Wrap the brisket in paper before placing it into the smoker.</p>
  237. </li>
  238. </ul>
  239. <hr>
  240. <p>LET’S GET STARTED!</p>
  241. <h3 id="What-do-you-need"><a href="#What-do-you-need" class="headerlink" title="What do you need?"></a>What do you need?</h3><ol>
  242. <li>3 lbs of brisket</li>
  243. <li>Dry rub</li>
  244. <li>Salt</li>
  245. </ol>
  246. <h3 id="1-Preparation"><a href="#1-Preparation" class="headerlink" title="1. Preparation"></a>1. Preparation</h3><p>Ordered 3 lbs of brisket from Whole Foods <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""><strong>(paid for with Bitcoin)</strong></a> and put it in the fridge overnight.</p>
  247. <h3 id="2-Seasoning"><a href="#2-Seasoning" class="headerlink" title="2. Seasoning"></a>2. Seasoning</h3><ol>
  248. <li>Pink salt</li>
  249. <li>Rosemary</li>
  250. <li>Thyme</li>
  251. <li>2x Dry rubs (Grillmaster)</li>
  252. </ol>
  253. <h3 id="3-Oven-Roast"><a href="#3-Oven-Roast" class="headerlink" title="3. Oven Roast"></a>3. Oven Roast</h3><ol>
  254. <li>Place in a baking pan and cover with foil.</li>
  255. <li>Place in oven at 250° for 3 hours. (NOTE: You may choose to lower the temp to 225° and extend the time by an hour.)</li>
  256. </ol>
  257. <h3 id="4-Smoker"><a href="#4-Smoker" class="headerlink" title="4. Smoker"></a>4. Smoker</h3><ol>
  258. <li>Remove from oven, flip, baste and apply more seasoning.</li>
  259. <li>Place in smoker for 1 hour.</li>
  260. <li>Flip, baste and apply more seasonings.</li>
  261. <li>Place in smoker for 1 (final) hour.</li>
  262. </ol>
  263. <h3 id="5-Resting"><a href="#5-Resting" class="headerlink" title="5. Resting"></a>5. Resting</h3><p>Allow the brisket to rest for up approx. 15 minutes, then slice half the brisket (into ½” slices).</p>
  264. <h3 id="6-Dressing"><a href="#6-Dressing" class="headerlink" title="6. Dressing"></a>6. Dressing</h3><p>(optional) You can drizzle a coating of BBQ sauce (or equal) to add some sweetness to the final flavor.</p>
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  277. <time class="dt-published" datetime="2022-04-17T07:13:01.000Z" itemprop="datePublished">2022-04-17</time>
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  286. <a class="p-name article-title" href="/2022/04/17/living-the-crypto-life/">Living The Crypto Life</a>
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  290. <p>What do I define as living the crypto life?</p>
  291. <p>Well it starts with closing your bank accounts and canceling all of your credit cards.</p>
  292. <h2 id="Gift-Cards"><a href="#Gift-Cards" class="headerlink" title="Gift Cards"></a>Gift Cards</h2><p>It becomes very important to learn where you can use your crypto. And gift cards become essential.</p>
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  305. <time class="dt-published" datetime="2022-04-13T17:38:28.000Z" itemprop="datePublished">2022-04-13</time>
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  314. <a class="p-name article-title" href="/2022/04/13/nitojs/">NitoJS SDK</a>
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  318. <p>Welcome to <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">NitoJS</a>!</p>
  319. <h2 id="Quick-Start"><a href="#Quick-Start" class="headerlink" title="Quick Start"></a>Quick Start</h2><p><em>TBD</em></p>
  320. <h3 id="Installation"><a href="#Installation" class="headerlink" title="Installation"></a>Installation</h3><figure class="highlight bash"><table><tr><td class="gutter"><pre><span class="line">1</span><br></pre></td><td class="code"><pre><span class="line">$ npm install nitojs</span><br></pre></td></tr></table></figure>
  321. <p>More info: <a href="">Writing</a></p>
  322. <h3 id="Run-server"><a href="#Run-server" class="headerlink" title="Run server"></a>Run server</h3><figure class="highlight bash"><table><tr><td class="gutter"><pre><span class="line">1</span><br></pre></td><td class="code"><pre><span class="line">$ nitojs server</span><br></pre></td></tr></table></figure>
  323. <p>More info: <a href="">Server</a></p>
  324. <h3 id="Generate-static-files"><a href="#Generate-static-files" class="headerlink" title="Generate static files"></a>Generate static files</h3><figure class="highlight plaintext"><table><tr><td class="gutter"><pre><span class="line">1</span><br></pre></td><td class="code"><pre><span class="line">$ nitojs create</span><br></pre></td></tr></table></figure>
  325. <p>More info: <a href="">Generating</a></p>
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