# Welcome to the Documentation
for NitoJS Library and SDK :-) ![NitoJS Poster](https://nitojs.org/poster.jpg?1590894238) ### https://nitojs.org Reference Application — __https://app.nitojs.org__ Documentation — __https://docs.nitojs.org__ Join our Slack — __https://join.slack.com/t/bchplease/shared_invite/zt-e7jj03j5-vJbe47kNrPBjTgTXwLNRkA__ --- __NitoJS Library and Software Development Kit (SDK)__ provides a solid foundation for building trustless, decentralized applications, while assuring __maximum respect for the privacy of the user.__ Content is managed and served utilizing robust decentralized infrastructures, namely the __[InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)](https://ipfs.io/)__ and the __[Ethereum Name Service (ENS)](https://ens.domains/)__. Monetization of premium (paid) services is facilitated through the use of cryptocurrencies, specifically __[Bitcoin Cash (BCH)](https://www.bitcoin.com/)__ and __[Ethereum (ETH)](https://ethereum.org/)__.