# APECS — A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System ![APECS Poster](/web/public/poster.jpg?1581239745) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/modenero/apecs.dev.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/modenero/apecs.dev) [![Greenkeeper badge](https://badges.greenkeeper.io/modenero/apecs.dev.svg)](https://greenkeeper.io/) APECS provides the Crypto community with its own platform to support developers, by supporting the effortless BUIDLing of services on top of BCH. __It's time we ALL come together to BU!DL BCH! and #MakeBitcoinCashAgain__ > APECS will __always be 100% FREE__ for use by the Crypto community; as well as any others that wishes to BUIDL on top of BCH. # Publishing your project(s) on APECS Anyone can manage their personal and/or team projects on APECS. However, in order to __PUBLISH,__ it is required that project use open source software licenses compatible with other projects in the Crypto ecosystem for __ALL__ client-side _(user-facing)_ source code. ### What is client-side? 1. Website (html, js, css, etc) source code 2. Mobile app source code 3. IOT (hardware) embedded code 4. Smart contract code You __MUST__ have your code available on a publicly-accessible source code repository _(eg. Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab, etc)._ __NOTE:__ Repos can be self-hosted. It is __NOT__ required to have an open-source back office to qualify for publishing. ### What is back office? This will typically be Application Programming Interface (API) servers, that interface with the client. These servers/systems can often require: 1. Security keys 2. Proprietary integrations As a result, there is __NO__ requirement for these code-bases to be open source.