# Coding Blocks IDE Coding Blocks IDE is an online IDE which supports compilation of multiple programming languages. ## Deployment [![Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/img/global/badges/netlify-color-accent.svg)](https://app.netlify.com/sites/cb-ide) Commits to master and PRs are automatically built and deployed by Netlify ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22571395/40135873-ffe73618-5963-11e8-85db-01c103688f4a.png) ## Table of Contents - [Build Setup](#build-setup) - [Features](#features) - [Functions](#functions) - [API](#api) ## Build Setup ``` bash # install dependencies npm install # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 npm run dev # build for production with minification npm run build # build for production and view the bundle analyzer report npm run build --report ``` For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the [guide](http://vuejs-templates.github.io/webpack/) and [docs for vue-loader](http://vuejs.github.io/vue-loader). ## Features This responsive online code editor and compiler have the following features. |Feature|Details| |-------|-------| |**Multiple Language Support**|Java, C++, C, NodeJS, Python, C#, Ruby, Rust, GO, Java, Kotlin, Javascript.| |**Upload Code**|Code can be uploaded from local system.| |**Download Code**|Code can be downloaded with the name specified by the user.| |**Frok Code**|Code can be cloned into new tab.| |**Custom Input**|A custom input box available for the user where user can enter inputs required by the program to run.| |**Import Input file**|User can import input file required by the program from local system.| |**Download Output**|User can download or copy output of the program.| |**FullScreen Mode**|Editor can go fullscreen.| |**Toggle View**|User can toggle dockside view of input-output box.| |**Save and Auto Save**|Code and editor settings gets auto-saved after every 10 seconds to prevent loss of code on closing the window accidentally. User can also save the code manually by clicking the save button.| |**Share Code**|User can also share the code .| |**Themes**|There are 3 editor themes available to choose from.| |**Fonts**|7 different fonts for the editor.| |**Font Size**|User can also set font size for the editor.| ## Functions |Button|Function| |------|--------| |**RUN**|Use the button to compile the code.| |**INPUT**|Use to toggle custom input-ouput box.| |**SAVE**| Manually save all the content in localStorage.| |**UPLOAD**|Use to button and choose the file from local system to upload.| |**DOWNLOAD**|Use the button to download the code in the editor into a file.| |**FORK**|Use the button to clone ide code in new tab.| |**VIEW**|Use the button to change editor settings and show keyboard shortcuts.| |**Reset Defaults**| Reset all the editor settings.| |**SHARE**|Use the button to share code.| |**LOGIN**|Use the button to log into your account and view saved codes.| ## API This hits the Coding Blocks Judge API, which you can find documented here