/* * Bootstrap Duallistbox - v4.0.1 * A responsive dual listbox widget optimized for Twitter Bootstrap. It works on all modern browsers and on touch devices. * http://www.virtuosoft.eu/code/bootstrap-duallistbox/ * * Made by István Ujj-Mészáros * Under Apache License v2.0 License */ (function(factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { module.exports = function(root, jQuery) { if (jQuery === undefined) { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { jQuery = require('jquery'); } else { jQuery = require('jquery')(root); } } factory(jQuery); return jQuery; }; } else { factory(jQuery); } }(function($) { // Create the defaults once var pluginName = 'bootstrapDualListbox', defaults = { filterTextClear: 'show all', filterPlaceHolder: 'Filter', moveSelectedLabel: 'Move selected', moveAllLabel: 'Move all', removeSelectedLabel: 'Remove selected', removeAllLabel: 'Remove all', moveOnSelect: true, // true/false (forced true on androids, see the comment later) moveOnDoubleClick: true, // true/false (forced false on androids, cause moveOnSelect is forced to true) preserveSelectionOnMove: false, // 'all' / 'moved' / false selectedListLabel: false, // 'string', false nonSelectedListLabel: false, // 'string', false helperSelectNamePostfix: '_helper', // 'string_of_postfix' / false selectorMinimalHeight: 100, showFilterInputs: true, // whether to show filter inputs nonSelectedFilter: '', // string, filter the non selected options selectedFilter: '', // string, filter the selected options infoText: 'Showing all {0}', // text when all options are visible / false for no info text infoTextFiltered: 'Filtered {0} from {1}', // when not all of the options are visible due to the filter infoTextEmpty: 'Empty list', // when there are no options present in the list filterOnValues: false, // filter by selector's values, boolean sortByInputOrder: false, eventMoveOverride: false, // boolean, allows user to unbind default event behaviour and run their own instead eventMoveAllOverride: false, // boolean, allows user to unbind default event behaviour and run their own instead eventRemoveOverride: false, // boolean, allows user to unbind default event behaviour and run their own instead eventRemoveAllOverride: false, // boolean, allows user to unbind default event behaviour and run their own instead btnClass: 'btn-outline-secondary', // sets the button style class for all the buttons btnMoveText: '>', // string, sets the text for the "Move" button btnRemoveText: '<', // string, sets the text for the "Remove" button btnMoveAllText: '>>', // string, sets the text for the "Move All" button btnRemoveAllText: '<<' // string, sets the text for the "Remove All" button }, // Selections are invisible on android if the containing select is styled with CSS // http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=16922 isBuggyAndroid = /android/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); // The actual plugin constructor function BootstrapDualListbox(element, options) { this.element = $(element); // jQuery has an extend method which merges the contents of two or // more objects, storing the result in the first object. The first object // is generally empty as we don't want to alter the default options for // future instances of the plugin this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName; this.init(); } function triggerChangeEvent(dualListbox) { dualListbox.element.trigger('change'); } function updateSelectionStates(dualListbox) { dualListbox.element.find('option').each(function(index, item) { var $item = $(item); if (typeof($item.data('original-index')) === 'undefined') { $item.data('original-index', dualListbox.elementCount++); } if (typeof($item.data('_selected')) === 'undefined') { $item.data('_selected', false); } }); } function changeSelectionState(dualListbox, original_index, selected) { dualListbox.element.find('option').each(function(index, item) { var $item = $(item); if ($item.data('original-index') === original_index) { $item.prop('selected', selected); if(selected){ $item.attr('data-sortindex', dualListbox.sortIndex); dualListbox.sortIndex++; } else { $item.removeAttr('data-sortindex'); } } }); } function formatString(s, args) { console.log(s, args); return s.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(match, number) { return typeof args[number] !== 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); } function refreshInfo(dualListbox) { if (!dualListbox.settings.infoText) { return; } var visible1 = dualListbox.elements.select1.find('option').length, visible2 = dualListbox.elements.select2.find('option').length, all1 = dualListbox.element.find('option').length - dualListbox.selectedElements, all2 = dualListbox.selectedElements, content = ''; if (all1 === 0) { content = dualListbox.settings.infoTextEmpty; } else if (visible1 === all1) { content = formatString(dualListbox.settings.infoText, [visible1, all1]); } else { content = formatString(dualListbox.settings.infoTextFiltered, [visible1, all1]); } dualListbox.elements.info1.html(content); dualListbox.elements.box1.toggleClass('filtered', !(visible1 === all1 || all1 === 0)); if (all2 === 0) { content = dualListbox.settings.infoTextEmpty; } else if (visible2 === all2) { content = formatString(dualListbox.settings.infoText, [visible2, all2]); } else { content = formatString(dualListbox.settings.infoTextFiltered, [visible2, all2]); } dualListbox.elements.info2.html(content); dualListbox.elements.box2.toggleClass('filtered', !(visible2 === all2 || all2 === 0)); } function refreshSelects(dualListbox) { dualListbox.selectedElements = 0; dualListbox.elements.select1.empty(); dualListbox.elements.select2.empty(); dualListbox.element.find('option').each(function(index, item) { var $item = $(item); if ($item.prop('selected')) { dualListbox.selectedElements++; dualListbox.elements.select2.append($item.clone(true).prop('selected', $item.data('_selected'))); } else { dualListbox.elements.select1.append($item.clone(true).prop('selected', $item.data('_selected'))); } }); if (dualListbox.settings.showFilterInputs) { filter(dualListbox, 1); filter(dualListbox, 2); } refreshInfo(dualListbox); } function filter(dualListbox, selectIndex) { if (!dualListbox.settings.showFilterInputs) { return; } saveSelections(dualListbox, selectIndex); dualListbox.elements['select'+selectIndex].empty().scrollTop(0); var regex, allOptions = dualListbox.element.find('option'), options = dualListbox.element; if (selectIndex === 1) { options = allOptions.not(':selected'); } else { options = options.find('option:selected'); } try { regex = new RegExp($.trim(dualListbox.elements['filterInput'+selectIndex].val()), 'gi'); } catch(e) { // a regex to match nothing regex = new RegExp('/a^/', 'gi'); } options.each(function(index, item) { var $item = $(item), isFiltered = true; if (item.text.match(regex) || (dualListbox.settings.filterOnValues && $item.attr('value').match(regex) ) ) { isFiltered = false; dualListbox.elements['select'+selectIndex].append($item.clone(true).prop('selected', $item.data('_selected'))); } allOptions.eq($item.data('original-index')).data('filtered'+selectIndex, isFiltered); }); refreshInfo(dualListbox); } function saveSelections(dualListbox, selectIndex) { var options = dualListbox.element.find('option'); dualListbox.elements['select'+selectIndex].find('option').each(function(index, item) { var $item = $(item); options.eq($item.data('original-index')).data('_selected', $item.prop('selected')); }); } function sortOptionsByInputOrder(select){ var selectopt = select.children('option'); selectopt.sort(function(a,b){ var an = parseInt(a.getAttribute('data-sortindex')), bn = parseInt(b.getAttribute('data-sortindex')); if(an > bn) { return 1; } if(an < bn) { return -1; } return 0; }); selectopt.detach().appendTo(select); } function sortOptions(select) { select.find('option').sort(function(a, b) { return ($(a).data('original-index') > $(b).data('original-index')) ? 1 : -1; }).appendTo(select); } function clearSelections(dualListbox) { dualListbox.elements.select1.find('option').each(function() { dualListbox.element.find('option').data('_selected', false); }); } function move(dualListbox) { if (dualListbox.settings.preserveSelectionOnMove === 'all' && !dualListbox.settings.moveOnSelect) { saveSelections(dualListbox, 1); saveSelections(dualListbox, 2); } else if (dualListbox.settings.preserveSelectionOnMove === 'moved' && !dualListbox.settings.moveOnSelect) { saveSelections(dualListbox, 1); } dualListbox.elements.select1.find('option:selected').each(function(index, item) { var $item = $(item); if (!$item.data('filtered1')) { changeSelectionState(dualListbox, $item.data('original-index'), true); } }); refreshSelects(dualListbox); triggerChangeEvent(dualListbox); if(dualListbox.settings.sortByInputOrder){ sortOptionsByInputOrder(dualListbox.elements.select2); } else { sortOptions(dualListbox.elements.select2); } } function remove(dualListbox) { if (dualListbox.settings.preserveSelectionOnMove === 'all' && !dualListbox.settings.moveOnSelect) { saveSelections(dualListbox, 1); saveSelections(dualListbox, 2); } else if (dualListbox.settings.preserveSelectionOnMove === 'moved' && !dualListbox.settings.moveOnSelect) { saveSelections(dualListbox, 2); } dualListbox.elements.select2.find('option:selected').each(function(index, item) { var $item = $(item); if (!$item.data('filtered2')) { changeSelectionState(dualListbox, $item.data('original-index'), false); } }); refreshSelects(dualListbox); triggerChangeEvent(dualListbox); sortOptions(dualListbox.elements.select1); if(dualListbox.settings.sortByInputOrder){ sortOptionsByInputOrder(dualListbox.elements.select2); } } function moveAll(dualListbox) { if (dualListbox.settings.preserveSelectionOnMove === 'all' && !dualListbox.settings.moveOnSelect) { saveSelections(dualListbox, 1); saveSelections(dualListbox, 2); } else if (dualListbox.settings.preserveSelectionOnMove === 'moved' && !dualListbox.settings.moveOnSelect) { saveSelections(dualListbox, 1); } dualListbox.element.find('option').each(function(index, item) { var $item = $(item); if (!$item.data('filtered1')) { $item.prop('selected', true); $item.attr('data-sortindex', dualListbox.sortIndex); dualListbox.sortIndex++; } }); refreshSelects(dualListbox); triggerChangeEvent(dualListbox); } function removeAll(dualListbox) { if (dualListbox.settings.preserveSelectionOnMove === 'all' && !dualListbox.settings.moveOnSelect) { saveSelections(dualListbox, 1); saveSelections(dualListbox, 2); } else if (dualListbox.settings.preserveSelectionOnMove === 'moved' && !dualListbox.settings.moveOnSelect) { saveSelections(dualListbox, 2); } dualListbox.element.find('option').each(function(index, item) { var $item = $(item); if (!$item.data('filtered2')) { $item.prop('selected', false); $item.removeAttr('data-sortindex'); } }); refreshSelects(dualListbox); triggerChangeEvent(dualListbox); } function bindEvents(dualListbox) { dualListbox.elements.form.submit(function(e) { if (dualListbox.elements.filterInput1.is(':focus')) { e.preventDefault(); dualListbox.elements.filterInput1.focusout(); } else if (dualListbox.elements.filterInput2.is(':focus')) { e.preventDefault(); dualListbox.elements.filterInput2.focusout(); } }); dualListbox.element.on('bootstrapDualListbox.refresh', function(e, mustClearSelections){ dualListbox.refresh(mustClearSelections); }); dualListbox.elements.filterClear1.on('click', function() { dualListbox.setNonSelectedFilter('', true); }); dualListbox.elements.filterClear2.on('click', function() { dualListbox.setSelectedFilter('', true); }); if (dualListbox.settings.eventMoveOverride === false) { dualListbox.elements.moveButton.on('click', function() { move(dualListbox); }); } if (dualListbox.settings.eventMoveAllOverride === false) { dualListbox.elements.moveAllButton.on('click', function() { moveAll(dualListbox); }); } if (dualListbox.settings.eventRemoveOverride === false) { dualListbox.elements.removeButton.on('click', function() { remove(dualListbox); }); } if (dualListbox.settings.eventRemoveAllOverride === false) { dualListbox.elements.removeAllButton.on('click', function() { removeAll(dualListbox); }); } dualListbox.elements.filterInput1.on('change keyup', function() { filter(dualListbox, 1); }); dualListbox.elements.filterInput2.on('change keyup', function() { filter(dualListbox, 2); }); } BootstrapDualListbox.prototype = { init: function () { // Add the custom HTML template this.container = $('' + '
' + '
' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '
' + ' ' + ' ' + '
' + ' ' + '
' + '
' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '
' + ' ' + ' ' + '
' + ' ' + '
' + '
') .insertBefore(this.element); // Cache the inner elements this.elements = { originalSelect: this.element, box1: $('.box1', this.container), box2: $('.box2', this.container), filterInput1: $('.box1 .filter', this.container), filterInput2: $('.box2 .filter', this.container), filterClear1: $('.box1 .clear1', this.container), filterClear2: $('.box2 .clear2', this.container), label1: $('.box1 > label', this.container), label2: $('.box2 > label', this.container), info1: $('.box1 .info', this.container), info2: $('.box2 .info', this.container), select1: $('.box1 select', this.container), select2: $('.box2 select', this.container), moveButton: $('.box1 .move', this.container), removeButton: $('.box2 .remove', this.container), moveAllButton: $('.box1 .moveall', this.container), removeAllButton: $('.box2 .removeall', this.container), form: $($('.box1 .filter', this.container)[0].form) }; // Set select IDs this.originalSelectName = this.element.attr('name') || ''; var select1Id = 'bootstrap-duallistbox-nonselected-list_' + this.originalSelectName, select2Id = 'bootstrap-duallistbox-selected-list_' + this.originalSelectName; this.elements.select1.attr('id', select1Id); this.elements.select2.attr('id', select2Id); this.elements.label1.attr('for', select1Id); this.elements.label2.attr('for', select2Id); // Apply all settings this.selectedElements = 0; this.sortIndex = 0; this.elementCount = 0; this.setFilterTextClear(this.settings.filterTextClear); this.setFilterPlaceHolder(this.settings.filterPlaceHolder); this.setMoveSelectedLabel(this.settings.moveSelectedLabel); this.setMoveAllLabel(this.settings.moveAllLabel); this.setRemoveSelectedLabel(this.settings.removeSelectedLabel); this.setRemoveAllLabel(this.settings.removeAllLabel); this.setMoveOnSelect(this.settings.moveOnSelect); this.setMoveOnDoubleClick(this.settings.moveOnDoubleClick); this.setPreserveSelectionOnMove(this.settings.preserveSelectionOnMove); this.setSelectedListLabel(this.settings.selectedListLabel); this.setNonSelectedListLabel(this.settings.nonSelectedListLabel); this.setHelperSelectNamePostfix(this.settings.helperSelectNamePostfix); this.setSelectOrMinimalHeight(this.settings.selectorMinimalHeight); updateSelectionStates(this); this.setShowFilterInputs(this.settings.showFilterInputs); this.setNonSelectedFilter(this.settings.nonSelectedFilter); this.setSelectedFilter(this.settings.selectedFilter); this.setInfoText(this.settings.infoText); this.setInfoTextFiltered(this.settings.infoTextFiltered); this.setInfoTextEmpty(this.settings.infoTextEmpty); this.setFilterOnValues(this.settings.filterOnValues); this.setSortByInputOrder(this.settings.sortByInputOrder); this.setEventMoveOverride(this.settings.eventMoveOverride); this.setEventMoveAllOverride(this.settings.eventMoveAllOverride); this.setEventRemoveOverride(this.settings.eventRemoveOverride); this.setEventRemoveAllOverride(this.settings.eventRemoveAllOverride); this.setBtnClass(this.settings.btnClass); this.setBtnMoveText(this.settings.btnMoveText); this.setBtnRemoveText(this.settings.btnRemoveText); this.setBtnMoveAllText(this.settings.btnMoveAllText); this.setBtnRemoveAllText(this.settings.btnRemoveAllText); // Hide the original select this.element.hide(); bindEvents(this); refreshSelects(this); return this.element; }, setFilterTextClear: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.filterTextClear = value; this.elements.filterClear1.html(value); this.elements.filterClear2.html(value); if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setFilterPlaceHolder: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.filterPlaceHolder = value; this.elements.filterInput1.attr('placeholder', value); this.elements.filterInput2.attr('placeholder', value); if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setMoveSelectedLabel: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.moveSelectedLabel = value; this.elements.moveButton.attr('title', value); if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setMoveAllLabel: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.moveAllLabel = value; this.elements.moveAllButton.attr('title', value); if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setRemoveSelectedLabel: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.removeSelectedLabel = value; this.elements.removeButton.attr('title', value); if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setRemoveAllLabel: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.removeAllLabel = value; this.elements.removeAllButton.attr('title', value); if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setMoveOnSelect: function(value, refresh) { if (isBuggyAndroid) { value = true; } this.settings.moveOnSelect = value; if (this.settings.moveOnSelect) { this.container.addClass('moveonselect'); var self = this; this.elements.select1.on('change', function() { move(self); }); this.elements.select2.on('change', function() { remove(self); }); this.elements.moveButton.detach(); this.elements.removeButton.detach(); } else { this.container.removeClass('moveonselect'); this.elements.select1.off('change'); this.elements.select2.off('change'); this.elements.moveButton.insertAfter(this.elements.moveAllButton); this.elements.removeButton.insertBefore(this.elements.removeAllButton); } if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setMoveOnDoubleClick: function(value, refresh) { if (isBuggyAndroid) { value = false; } this.settings.moveOnDoubleClick = value; if (this.settings.moveOnDoubleClick) { this.container.addClass('moveondoubleclick'); var self = this; this.elements.select1.on('dblclick', function() { move(self); }); this.elements.select2.on('dblclick', function() { remove(self); }); } else { this.container.removeClass('moveondoubleclick'); this.elements.select1.off('dblclick'); this.elements.select2.off('dblclick'); } if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setPreserveSelectionOnMove: function(value, refresh) { // We are forcing to move on select and disabling preserveSelectionOnMove on Android if (isBuggyAndroid) { value = false; } this.settings.preserveSelectionOnMove = value; if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setSelectedListLabel: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.selectedListLabel = value; if (value) { this.elements.label2.show().html(value); } else { this.elements.label2.hide().html(value); } if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setNonSelectedListLabel: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.nonSelectedListLabel = value; if (value) { this.elements.label1.show().html(value); } else { this.elements.label1.hide().html(value); } if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setHelperSelectNamePostfix: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.helperSelectNamePostfix = value; if (value) { this.elements.select1.attr('name', this.originalSelectName + value + '1'); this.elements.select2.attr('name', this.originalSelectName + value + '2'); } else { this.elements.select1.removeAttr('name'); this.elements.select2.removeAttr('name'); } if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setSelectOrMinimalHeight: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.selectorMinimalHeight = value; var height = this.element.height(); if (this.element.height() < value) { height = value; } this.elements.select1.height(height); this.elements.select2.height(height); if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setShowFilterInputs: function(value, refresh) { if (!value) { this.setNonSelectedFilter(''); this.setSelectedFilter(''); refreshSelects(this); this.elements.filterInput1.hide(); this.elements.filterInput2.hide(); } else { this.elements.filterInput1.show(); this.elements.filterInput2.show(); } this.settings.showFilterInputs = value; if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setNonSelectedFilter: function(value, refresh) { if (this.settings.showFilterInputs) { this.settings.nonSelectedFilter = value; this.elements.filterInput1.val(value); if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; } }, setSelectedFilter: function(value, refresh) { if (this.settings.showFilterInputs) { this.settings.selectedFilter = value; this.elements.filterInput2.val(value); if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; } }, setInfoText: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.infoText = value; if (value) { this.elements.info1.show(); this.elements.info2.show(); } else { this.elements.info1.hide(); this.elements.info2.hide(); } if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setInfoTextFiltered: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.infoTextFiltered = value; if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setInfoTextEmpty: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.infoTextEmpty = value; if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setFilterOnValues: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.filterOnValues = value; if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setSortByInputOrder: function(value, refresh){ this.settings.sortByInputOrder = value; if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setEventMoveOverride: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.eventMoveOverride = value; if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setEventMoveAllOverride: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.eventMoveAllOverride = value; if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setEventRemoveOverride: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.eventRemoveOverride = value; if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setEventRemoveAllOverride: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.eventRemoveAllOverride = value; if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setBtnClass: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.btnClass = value; this.elements.moveButton.attr('class', 'btn move').addClass(value); this.elements.removeButton.attr('class', 'btn remove').addClass(value); this.elements.moveAllButton.attr('class', 'btn moveall').addClass(value); this.elements.removeAllButton.attr('class', 'btn removeall').addClass(value); if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setBtnMoveText: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.btnMoveText = value; this.elements.moveButton.html(value); if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setBtnRemoveText: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.btnMoveText = value; this.elements.removeButton.html(value); if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setBtnMoveAllText: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.btnMoveText = value; this.elements.moveAllButton.html(value); if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, setBtnRemoveAllText: function(value, refresh) { this.settings.btnMoveText = value; this.elements.removeAllButton.html(value); if (refresh) { refreshSelects(this); } return this.element; }, getContainer: function() { return this.container; }, refresh: function(mustClearSelections) { updateSelectionStates(this); if (!mustClearSelections) { saveSelections(this, 1); saveSelections(this, 2); } else { clearSelections(this); } refreshSelects(this); }, destroy: function() { this.container.remove(); this.element.show(); $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, null); return this.element; } }; // A really lightweight plugin wrapper around the constructor, // preventing against multiple instantiations $.fn[ pluginName ] = function (options) { var args = arguments; // Is the first parameter an object (options), or was omitted, instantiate a new instance of the plugin. if (options === undefined || typeof options === 'object') { return this.each(function () { // If this is not a select if (!$(this).is('select')) { $(this).find('select').each(function(index, item) { // For each nested select, instantiate the Dual List Box $(item).bootstrapDualListbox(options); }); } else if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) { // Only allow the plugin to be instantiated once so we check that the element has no plugin instantiation yet // if it has no instance, create a new one, pass options to our plugin constructor, // and store the plugin instance in the elements jQuery data object. $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, new BootstrapDualListbox(this, options)); } }); // If the first parameter is a string and it doesn't start with an underscore or "contains" the `init`-function, // treat this as a call to a public method. } else if (typeof options === 'string' && options[0] !== '_' && options !== 'init') { // Cache the method call to make it possible to return a value var returns; this.each(function () { var instance = $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName); // Tests that there's already a plugin-instance and checks that the requested public method exists if (instance instanceof BootstrapDualListbox && typeof instance[options] === 'function') { // Call the method of our plugin instance, and pass it the supplied arguments. returns = instance[options].apply(instance, Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1)); } }); // If the earlier cached method gives a value back return the value, // otherwise return this to preserve chainability. return returns !== undefined ? returns : this; } }; }));