## Roadmap of planned features and ideas _Last updated: February 13, 2020_ The goal for __[APECS](https://nito.cash/)__ is to support the Bitcoin Cash developer community with its own platform, designed for the effortless BUIDLing of services on top of BCH. ### Underway - [ ] Enable sign-in via CashId. ### Planned - [ ] Create your own project. - [ ] rest.apecs.dev API. - [ ] ws.apecs.dev WebSocket. - [ ] git.apecs.dev GitLab repository. ### Complete - [x] Build a Vue.js wireframe (based on [AdminLTE](https://github.com/ColorlibHQ/AdminLTE) by ColorlibHQ) ## Community Feedback Please don't hesitate to comment below on the current list above, as well as your own feature requests. This will be an open-source project, open to any and all contributions.