Rsync.vue 2.4 KB

  1. <template>
  2. <NuxtLayout name="guides">
  3. <template #intro>
  4. <div class="max-w-xl">
  5. <h2 class="text-4xl font-extrabold text-gray-100 sm:text-5xl sm:tracking-tight lg:text-6xl">
  6. Key Generation
  7. </h2>
  8. <p class="mt-5 text-xl text-indigo-300">
  9. SSH keys are the best security for securing access to your systems.
  10. </p>
  11. </div>
  12. </template>
  13. <template #links>
  14. <div class="mt-10 w-full max-w-xs lg:mt-0">
  15. <label for="currency" class="block text-2xl font-medium text-indigo-400">
  16. Recommended Links
  17. </label>
  18. <div class="flex flex-col mt-1.5 pl-3 relative text-indigo-200">
  19. <div>
  20. ↳ <NuxtLink to="/guides/veracrypt" class="hover:underline">
  21. Install VeraCrypt
  22. </NuxtLink>
  23. </div>
  24. <div>
  25. ↳ <NuxtLink>
  26. Nuxt Link #2
  27. </NuxtLink>
  28. </div>
  29. <div>
  30. ↳ <NuxtLink>
  31. Nuxt Link #3
  32. </NuxtLink>
  33. </div>
  34. </div>
  35. </div>
  36. </template>
  37. <!-- Page Section -->
  38. <template #main>
  39. <section class="p-3 h-full bg-gradient-to-r from-gray-50 to-gray-100">
  40. <h3 class="text-2xl font-medium">
  41. Copy a File from a Remote Server to a Local Server with SSH
  42. </h3>
  43. <div class="my-5 w-3/4 border-4 border-yellow-300 bg-yellow-100 rounded-xl overflow-hidden">
  44. <textarea rows="1" class="-mb-2 p-5 w-full border-0 bg-yellow-100">rsync -avPzhe ssh [email protected]:/root/setec-astronomy.bak ./</textarea>
  45. </div>
  46. <ul class="-mt-3 mb-3 pl-10 text-xs text-gray-500 list-disc">
  47. <li>(a)rchive</li>
  48. <li>(v)erbose</li>
  49. <li>(P)rogress + (P)artial</li>
  50. <li>(z)ip compression</li>
  51. <li>(h)uman-readable</li>
  52. <li>remote sh(e)ll</li>
  53. </ul>
  54. </section>
  55. </template>
  56. </NuxtLayout>
  57. </template>