TokenSupply.vue 3.5 KB

  1. <script setup lang="ts">
  2. /* Define properties. */
  3. //
  4. const props = defineProps({
  5. data: {
  6. type: [Object],
  7. },
  8. })
  9. // onMounted(() => {
  10. // console.log('Mounted!')
  11. // // Now it's safe to perform setup operations.
  12. // })
  13. // onBeforeUnmount(() => {
  14. // console.log('Before Unmount!')
  15. // // Now is the time to perform all cleanup operations.
  16. // })
  17. </script>
  18. <template>
  19. <main class="mx-auto my-8 max-w-7xl sm:my-10 sm:px-6 lg:px-8">
  20. <div class="relative isolate overflow-hidden bg-gray-900 px-6 py-24 text-center shadow-2xl sm:rounded-3xl sm:px-16">
  21. <h2 class="mx-auto max-w-2xl text-4xl font-bold tracking-tight text-fuchsia-100 sm:text-5xl">
  22. 21 MILLION $HUSH
  23. </h2>
  24. <h3 class="mx-auto max-w-2xl text-2xl font-bold tracking-tight text-fuchsia-600 sm:text-3xl">
  26. </h3>
  27. <p class="mx-auto mt-6 max-w-xl text-lg leading-8 text-gray-300">
  28. Aliquip reprehenderit incididunt amet quis fugiat ut velit. Sit occaecat labore proident cillum in nisi adipisicing officia excepteur tempor deserunt.
  29. </p>
  30. <div class="mx-auto mt-20 grid max-w-lg grid-cols-4 items-center gap-x-8 gap-y-12 sm:max-w-xl sm:grid-cols-6 sm:gap-x-10 sm:gap-y-14 lg:max-w-4xl lg:grid-cols-5">
  31. <img class="col-span-2 max-h-12 w-full object-contain lg:col-span-1" src="" alt="Transistor" width="158" height="48" />
  32. <img class="col-span-2 max-h-12 w-full object-contain lg:col-span-1" src="" alt="Reform" width="158" height="48" />
  33. <img class="col-span-2 max-h-12 w-full object-contain lg:col-span-1" src="" alt="Tuple" width="158" height="48" />
  34. <img class="col-span-2 max-h-12 w-full object-contain sm:col-start-2 lg:col-span-1" src="" alt="SavvyCal" width="158" height="48" />
  35. <img class="col-span-2 col-start-2 max-h-12 w-full object-contain sm:col-start-auto lg:col-span-1" src="" alt="Statamic" width="158" height="48" />
  36. </div>
  37. <div class="absolute -top-24 right-0 -z-10 transform-gpu blur-3xl" aria-hidden="true">
  38. <div
  39. class="aspect-[1404/767] w-[87.75rem] bg-gradient-to-r from-[#80caff] to-[#4f46e5] opacity-25"
  40. style="
  41. clip-path: polygon(
  42. 73.6% 51.7%,
  43. 91.7% 11.8%,
  44. 100% 46.4%,
  45. 97.4% 82.2%,
  46. 92.5% 84.9%,
  47. 75.7% 64%,
  48. 55.3% 47.5%,
  49. 46.5% 49.4%,
  50. 45% 62.9%,
  51. 50.3% 87.2%,
  52. 21.3% 64.1%,
  53. 0.1% 100%,
  54. 5.4% 51.1%,
  55. 21.4% 63.9%,
  56. 58.9% 0.2%,
  57. 73.6% 51.7%
  58. );
  59. "
  60. ></div>
  61. </div>
  62. </div>
  63. </main>
  64. </template>