/* Import modules. */ import moment from 'moment' import PouchDB from 'pouchdb' import { Wallet } from '@nexajs/wallet' /* Initialize databases. */ const playsDb = new PouchDB(`http://${process.env.COUCHDB_USER}:${process.env.COUCHDB_PASSWORD}@`) const walletDb = new PouchDB(`http://${process.env.COUCHDB_USER}:${process.env.COUCHDB_PASSWORD}@`) const GAME_ENGINE_FEE = 0.5 // as a percentage (eg. 1/2%) const TREASURY_ADDRESS = process.env.TREASURY_ADDRESS const VAULT_MNEMONIC = process.env.MNEMONIC /* Initialize wallet. */ const vaultWallet = new Wallet(VAULT_MNEMONIC) // TODO Replace with @nexajs/utils const jsonStringify = (_data, _transform = true) => { let data data = JSON.stringify(_data, (key, value) => typeof value === 'bigint' ? value.toString() + 'n' : value ) if (!_transform) { data = JSON.parse(data) } return data } export default async (_game, _play, _sender) => { const receivers = [] let address let take let rate let latestDb let updatedDb let response let satoshis let share latestDb = await playsDb .get(_play._id) .catch(err => console.err(err)) // console.log('LATEST (play)', latestDb) updatedDb = { ...latestDb, txidem: 'INQUEUE', updatedAt: moment().valueOf(), updatedBy: 'GAMEPLAY', } // console.log('UPDATED (play)', updatedDb) response = await playsDb .put(updatedDb) .catch(err => console.error(err)) // console.log('UPDATE (play) RESPONSE', response) if (_play.playerJoy === true) { /* Send Sender (total) winnings. */ address = _sender.address satoshis = BigInt(parseInt(_play.satoshis * _play.payout)) receivers.push({ address, satoshis, }) } else { /* Send player (DUST). */ // NOTE: Blocking DUST transactions to prevent accidental "token" sends. address = _sender.address satoshis = BigInt(888) // GOOD LUCK! receivers.push({ address, satoshis, }) /* Send gamemakers (share) winnings. */ address = TREASURY_ADDRESS rate = GAME_ENGINE_FEE / 100.0 // console.log('GAME ENGINE RATE', rate) satoshis = BigInt(parseInt(_play.satoshis * rate)) // console.log('GAME ENGINE SATS', satoshis) receivers.push({ address, satoshis, }) /* Send gamemakers (share) winnings. */ address = _game.gamemakers.members[0] share = _game.gamemakers.share // console.log('GAMEMAKERS SHARE', share) rate = (100 - _game.rtp - GAME_ENGINE_FEE) / 100.0 // console.log('HOUSE RATE', rate) take = (_play.satoshis * rate) // console.log('HOUSE TAKE', take) satoshis = BigInt(parseInt(take * (share * 0.01))) // console.log('GAMEMAKERS SATS', satoshis) receivers.push({ address, satoshis, }) /* Send promoters (share) winnings. */ address = _game.promoters.members[0] share = _game.promoters.share // console.log('PROMOTERS SHARE', share) rate = (100 - _game.rtp - GAME_ENGINE_FEE) / 100.0 // console.log('HOUSE RATE', rate) take = (_play.satoshis * rate) // console.log('HOUSE TAKE', take) satoshis = BigInt(parseInt(take * (share * 0.01))) // console.log('PROMOTERS SATS', satoshis) receivers.push({ address, satoshis, }) } const walletPkg = { _id: _play._id, entropy: _play.entropy, unspent: _play.unspent, receivers: jsonStringify(receivers, false), txidem: null, createdAt: moment().valueOf(), } response = await walletDb .put(walletPkg) .catch(err => console.error(err)) // console.log('RESPONSE (wallet):', response) return response }