docker-compose.yml 583 B

  1. services:
  2. graphql:
  3. build: .
  4. image: graphql
  5. container_name: graphql
  6. restart: unless-stopped
  7. network_mode: 'host'
  8. # ports:
  9. # - ''
  10. # volumes:
  11. # - './:/webapp/'
  12. environment:
  13. COUCHDB_USER: ${COUCHDB_USER} # change this to match your system's ENV
  14. COUCHDB_PASSWORD: ${COUCHDB_PASSWORD} # change this to match your system's ENV
  15. HOST:
  16. PORT: 6000
  17. logging: # apply better controls to Docker overlay folder
  18. driver: 'json-file'
  19. options:
  20. max-file: '5'
  21. max-size: '10m'