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  5. { name: 'description', content: 'Nexa Games offers a premium blockchain gaming experience for Players over 18+.' }
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  27. <span class="block text-white text-5xl lg:text-8xl">
  28. Nexa Games
  29. </span>
  30. <span class="block text-indigo-200 text-4xl sm:text-5xl lg:text-6xl">
  31. Real-money Blockchain Gaming
  32. </span>
  33. </h1>
  34. <p class="mx-auto mt-6 max-w-lg text-center text-xl text-indigo-200 sm:max-w-3xl">
  35. Join the excitement in our growing community of real-money Gamers and the talented Creators who build &amp; publish the games they love.
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  70. <div class="mt-6">
  71. <h2 class="text-3xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900">
  72. Nexa Game Engine (NGE) guarantees 100% <em class="text-indigo-500">provably fair</em> gameplay
  73. </h2>
  74. <p class="mt-4 text-lg text-gray-500">
  75. Every game play MUST pass through the NGE to protect Players from code bugs and malware.
  76. The NGE protects both Players and Bankers by offering mathematical proofs and/or hardware attestations for every action executed by the engine.
  77. </p>
  78. <div class="mt-6">
  79. <a
  80. href="javascript://"
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  83. Learn more
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  88. <div class="mt-8 border-t border-gray-200 pt-6">
  89. <blockquote>
  90. <div>
  91. <p class="text-base text-gray-500">
  92. &ldquo;NGE made it possible to monetize my 3yr old indie game; and be able to support myself and the rest of my team to continue living out our dreams.&rdquo;
  93. </p>
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  100. <div class="text-base font-medium text-gray-700">
  101. Londynn Lee, Homemade Crypto
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  112. src="~/assets/nexa-game-engine.jpg"
  113. alt="Nexa Game Engine"
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  135. <div class="mt-6">
  136. <h2 class="text-3xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900">
  137. All games are published as Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)
  138. </h2>
  139. <p class="mt-4 text-lg text-gray-500">
  140. Our team believes in <span class="font-medium text-indigo-500">"transparency first"</span>; and so ALL games are hosted via IPFS and built from open-source repositories.
  141. </p>
  142. <p class="mt-4 text-lg text-gray-500">
  143. The <span class="font-medium text-indigo-500">Nexa Games Peer-review Network (NGPN)</span> allows our Players to receive the MOST up-to-date and accurate safety &amp; security assurances from the MOST trusted names in Crypto gaming.
  144. </p>
  145. <div class="mt-6">
  146. <NuxtLink
  147. to="" target="_blank"
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  149. >
  150. View the NGE source
  151. </NuxtLink>
  152. <em class="block w-2/3 my-2 text-sm text-gray-500">
  153. The Nexa Game Engine (NGE) is temporarily closed-source until Beta release.
  154. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  155. </em>
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  162. Wally Dice
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  172. src="~/assets/open-source-code.jpg"
  173. alt="Customer profile user interface"
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  188. alt="People working on laptops"
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  196. <h2 class="text-2xl font-semibold">
  197. <span class="bg-gradient-to-r from-purple-300 to-indigo-300 bg-clip-text text-transparent">
  198. Monetization for Gamemakers
  199. </span>
  200. </h2>
  201. <p class="mt-3 text-3xl font-bold tracking-tight text-white">
  202. Join the #1 gaming community that's ready to GET YOU PAID!
  203. </p>
  204. <p class="mt-5 text-lg text-gray-300">
  205. We want you to continue building your wildest dreams; and that's why Nexa Games offers a comprehensive suite of monetization tools &amp; services to best suit your individual/team's needs.
  206. </p>
  207. <div class="mt-12 grid grid-cols-1 gap-y-12 gap-x-6 sm:grid-cols-2">
  208. <p>
  209. <span class="block text-4xl font-bold text-white">3</span>
  210. <span class="mt-1 block text-base text-gray-300"><span class="font-medium text-white">Developers building</span> the next BIG blockbuster game using NGE.</span>
  211. </p>
  212. <p>
  213. <span class="block text-4xl font-bold text-white">$200+</span>
  214. <span class="mt-1 block text-base text-gray-300"><span class="font-medium text-white">Paid out</span> to all the players, brokers and promoters.</span>
  215. </p>
  216. <p>
  217. <span class="block text-4xl font-bold text-white">98%</span>
  218. <span class="mt-1 block text-base text-gray-300"><span class="font-medium text-white">Players returning</span> for more action after their 1st play.</span>
  219. </p>
  220. <p>
  221. <span class="block text-4xl font-bold text-white">100+</span>
  222. <span class="mt-1 block text-base text-gray-300"><span class="font-medium text-white">Countries</span> where we are licensed to offer real-money gaming services.</span>
  223. </p>
  224. </div>
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  226. </div>
  227. </div>
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  231. <h2 class="text-4xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900 sm:text-4xl">
  232. <span class="block">
  233. Ready to start playing?
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  235. <span class="-mb-1 block bg-gradient-to-r from-purple-600 to-indigo-600 bg-clip-text pb-1 text-transparent">
  236. Choose a game you like and GO!
  237. </span>
  238. </h2>
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  244. Browse the games
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