README.md 981 B

Welcome to the Documentation
for NitoJS Library and SDK :-)

NitoJS Poster


Reference Application — https://app.nitojs.org

Documentation — https://docs.nitojs.org

Join our Slack — https://join.slack.com/t/bchplease/shared_invite/zt-e7jj03j5-vJbe47kNrPBjTgTXwLNRkA

NitoJS Library and Software Development Kit (SDK) provides a solid foundation for building trustless, decentralized applications, while assuring maximum respect for the privacy of the user.

Content is managed and served utilizing robust decentralized infrastructures, namely the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and the Ethereum Name Service (ENS).

Monetization of premium (paid) services is facilitated through the use of cryptocurrencies, specifically Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Ethereum (ETH).